My say on Tami Nguyen (
document.write(11/17/2003 6:09 pm)
Tami's my best buddy! We've known each other since birth but didn't become best buddies till the sixth grade!!! She's the coolest person you'll ever meet. Sweet, sensible, caring, helpful, and responsible! This girl knows what she wants in life and she'll go after it no matter what! Tami & I have been through lots...from guys, to school, life, and oh near death-drowning at the YMCA swimming pool! Haha! She's up for anything....prolly one of the msot adventurous ppl I know, she's also into athletics! She's very a very well-rounded gal and very VERY active in school activities. Her only prob is she's got to slow down and take a few breathes here and there! She can be quite clumsy sometimes....forgetting things or doing the most random stuff ever. I can see this girl going places already and she hasn't even graduated!
Of course it is six years since the posting. She has graduated college and although we have not kept in touch as much as I would like, we do stay in touch thru emails, phonecalls, and nowadays...facebook. She's a professional photog and teacher. I am so proud of who she has become....and happy to see her attain the independence she'd always sought when we were both younger.