Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Fish Crave

I've been craving for fish all week long. I've been pigging out with Rubio's Fish Tacos/Burritos, Sweet & Sour Catfish soup, Ca Kho To. Today was my last day of fulfilling my fish crave. I finally found some fresh Rex Sole! Fried it and down it with rice & fish sauce! Mmm...hmmm!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

The fourth round of job layoffs at my workplace took effect yesterday. I lost one of my managers (L.) It's not great hearing your boss saying it's just gonna get worse. :( I guess I'll have to postpone my world trip for a later date now. Double pout :( :(

Influenza season

It is Flu season again. I got my flu shots about two weeks ago and now I'm flu-like sick. Dad gave me some nyquil to take and I completely passed out. I almost couldn't get out of bed to go to work today. I just wanted to call in sick. I'm coughing up phelgm. Yuck! So sick that I almost ran over a pedestrian yesterday :(

What Does Your Handwriting Say About You?

What Does Your Handwriting Say About You?:

According to my test results, here's what it has to say about being me:
1. My Handwriting Slants To the left: You generally like to work alone or behind the scenes. If you are right-handed and your handwriting slants to the left, you may be expressing rebellion.
2. My Handwriting size is Average: You are well-adjusted and adaptable.
3. My Loops Are...Closed for L (meaning the upstroke overlaps the downstroke): Feeling tense? This implies you are restricting yourself in some way.
4. My Loops are Full for E: You have an open mind and enjoy trying new things.
5. My "S" is Printed: You are versatile.