Here are highlights from August & Sept 2008:
Chuom Chuom from Phuoc Loc Tho Santa Ana!! I believe they were about $30 a box. 
This is the Passion Fruit Vine my parents are growing
Britney & Brenden had a joint bday party in August. Brenden turned 5 and Brit turned 9! We had two pinatas for each Bday kid. Brad is only 2ish and he's already learning how the pinata process works.

As you can see, Cau 6 was obviously the Pinata Stick Ambassador!
Mothers can be embarrassing at times...Like trying to sneak into the kids pinata line!

Since Tiffany & Brit's parents and my mother went to a concert Saturday evening, us girls decided SAN DIEGO ROAD TRIP!!! It took us about two hours to decide on a location but it was well worth it! We decided to go to Mount Soledad. It was super windy up there but the view was SPECTACULAR!!!!

Britney Spots Something
While waiting for the parents to come home, Britney decides to create "fire"
Since Tiffany & Brit's parents and my mother went to a concert Saturday evening, us girls decided SAN DIEGO ROAD TRIP!!! It took us about two hours to decide on a location but it was well worth it! We decided to go to Mount Soledad. It was super windy up there but the view was SPECTACULAR!!!!